Our Beliefs
In one (echad) Yahweh, existing from all eternity as the Father, the Son Yeshua (Jesus), and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

Mission Statement
A Spirit-Filled Messianic Community dedicated to the Word of Yahweh from the Torah to Revelation.
Shema Israel, Hear O Israel Yahweh our Elohim, Yahweh is one Blessed is the name of his glorious Kingdom Forever and ever. Amen
- In one (echad) Yahweh, existing from all eternity as the Father,
the Son Yeshua (Jesus), and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
- That Yahweh created humanity in His image
- That forever Yahweh has chosen Israel - The Nations
- That the Son became a human being, Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. He came as a human being, fully man and fully God. He died for our sins, rose again and is coming again to rule and reign.

We Believe

We Believe
- That the Body of Messiah is a community chosen and beloved by Yahweh, a marriage of two equal, but not identical parties, the Messianic Jewish Synagogue and the Christian Church
- That the Hebrew Scriptures and the Apostolic Writings are divinely inspired, spirit filled and are of supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and life.
- That forgiveness of sins is only through the blood of Yeshua